Pilot Version of the Standard launching in September!
The Pilot Version of the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard (The Standard) is being released this month. The document will contain all the technical details on how a building should meet the Standard, what limits and targets it needs to meet, the technical evidence needed to demonstrate this, and how it should be reported.
Soon after we launch this version, we will be setting up Pilot Testing to gather industry feedback on the process of adopting the Standard on projects. ​Adopting the Pilot version is the perfect way for organisations / projects to prepare themselves for verification, once this becomes available.
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UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard
The UK's first cross- industry Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard that brings together Net-Zero Carbon requirements for all major building types, based on a 1.5°C trajectory. Leading organisations
BBP, BRE, the Carbon Trust, CIBSE, IStructE, LETI, RIBA, RICS, and UKGBC have joined forces to champion this initiative.
Whilst significant progress has been made in defining what ‘net zero’ means for buildings in the UK, a process of market analysis showed a clear demand for a single, agreed methodology. The UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard will enable industry to robustly prove their built assets are net zero carbon and in line with our nation’s climate targets. The Standard will align as far as possible with existing Net Zero initiatives and Standards, see the FAQs page for more information.
Our next Quarterly Update is here.
Click the link below to find out more.
December Quarterly Update
It has been a momentous year for the development of the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard. We are pleased to share our latest updates with you in our final Quarterly Update of 2023.
The development of the Standard is being made possible by the collaborative efforts of over 350 volunteers. Everyone who supports us is playing an important role in defining Net Zero Carbon Buildings in the UK. We are immensely grateful to everyone for their continued support.
Most recently, we saw a brilliant response to our Technical Consultation, with over 500 individuals and organisations sharing their thoughts and insights. Thank you to everyone who responded and played their part in spreading the message and/or providing us with data and evidence.
You can view the December Update by clicking on the button to the right.
This Update is focused on the major developments since the summer and provides a progress update and an overview of the consultation results, before covering major updates, with a general overview of the technical topics, explaining the relevant responses and next steps for the Consultation. Finally, it describes what's coming up for the Standard - something we should all be really excited about.
With the launch of the Beta Test set for Spring 2024, we expect to have plenty to talk about in the next Quarterly Update.
Until then, we hope you find this update insightful.
More detail on the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard
What will it cover?
The Standard will set out metrics by which net zero carbon performance is evaluated, as well as performance targets, or limits, that need to be met. These are likely to include energy use, upfront embodied carbon, and lifecycle embodied carbon, with other metrics – such as space heating/cooling demand and peak load – also to be considered. It will also cover the approach to carbon accounting, procuring renewable energy, and the treatment of residual emissions, including carbon ‘offsetting’. However, the scope and output of the Standard may evolve throughout the development process.
It is expected that claims will be required to be validated based on in-use measured data and interim verification of an asset at design stage or once the asset is built but not yet operating may also be considered.
Who is it for?
The output will be for developers, contractors, asset owners and managers, occupiers, investors, financiers and funders, consultants, building industry professionals, building managers and product/material manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors. It is for anyone who wants to either fund, procure, design, or specify a Net Zero Carbon Building and anyone wanting to demonstrate that their building is 'Net Zero'-aligned with an industry-agreed Standard.
Will it be science-based?
Performance targets will align with science-based trajectories needed to achieve net zero by 2050 and a 78% reduction by 2035 in the UK, i.e. what is known to be required to stand a reasonable chance of mitigating global warming to 1.5°C. It will also align with the energy demand reductions projected to be required to enable a net zero carbon energy supply sector.
What building types will it apply to?
The approach will be applicable to both existing and new buildings (e.g. Homes, Offices, Education, Industry, Retail, Hotels, Healthcare etc.). To start, the focus will be on the most common building typologies, especially those for which industry stakeholders have already robust performance data available to inform the setting of performance targets. The Standard will not apply to infrastructure.